With the advent of better dimming drivers; variant color options; higher efficiency LED lamps; and better control integration, innovators and investors alike are clamoring for the next state-of-art product. Industries like health care, manufacturing, and aviation are “propelling” the industry forward due to of the benefits that LED lamps bring to instrument panels, task lights, and annunciators. Managed light levels and an ease-of-visibility relative to controls are critical issues for pilots, manufacturing engineers, and medical professionals alike.
Tube Lights
Solid-state, (LED), lighting is the first genuinely new lighting technology in more than a century. The light emitting diode (LED) lighting systems, which reduce electricity consumption by up to 85%, have proven to be very effective in applications where brightness, visibility and long life are important.
Applications where LED lighting is the smart alternative, include:
Commercial Signage: Commercial signage often operates 12 to 24 hours per day, consuming about 2% of the total electricity in the United States. Fluorescent signs currently account for about 48% of this market, with neon signs holding about 41%, and the remainder of the market dominated by incandescent products.
Institutional, Industrial and Commercial Lighting: LED products can have a significant impact on energy use in airport, hospitals, schools, and roadway lighting, where conventional fluorescent- and incandescent-lit signage is heavily used.
Office Buildings, Warehouses, Factories: Retrofitting entire office buildings with energy efficient LED lighting can produce dramatic savings in energy costs and make the commercial space more marketable to tenants. Contact us for a Free Energy Audit for your commercial space and realize the considerable savings you space can recognize over the projected life of LED lighting. Or calculate your savings using our Energy Savings Analysis Tool.
Retail Lighting: LEDs offer unprecedented flexibility in colors and configurations to lighting designers in creating displays and “moods” in retail settings, restaurants, city streets and shopping centers.
Marina Lighting: Waterproof LED rope and ribbon light is fast become a popular choice for the lighting of docks to ensure night time safety and create ambience.